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PAS 128

PAS 128 is the British Standards Institution (BSI) specification for utility detection. The specification allows for a consistent standard for detecting utilities which reduces the risk of survey reports being misinterpreted. This overarching specification means a standard for utility surveys is set and that less interpretation is needed by clients to understand the survey.

One of the main functions of PAS 128 is to clearly show the levels of accuracy of the data. Utilities are coded with confidence codes which reflect the mm accuracy of the survey. These codes make work much safer as workers are more aware of where utilities are and also where they could be and will have a range of accuracy to aid them in searching for the utility. The reports for PAS 128 surveys include detailed findings on each pit in the survey area including pictures and digital sketches. This level of attention to detail minimises disruption to work as much as a survey can and provides a safer environment for all those on-site. If you wish to see a case study of one of our Pas 128 surveys click the button below:

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